Saturday, December 5, 2009

What do you know about blood impurities and it causing acne?

What exactly is blood impurity? How to help improve it?What do you know about blood impurities and it causing acne?
Well, frankly I've never heard that term. Impurity would imply that the blood is not 'pure' (???). Anything that shouldn't be in the blood, could cause serious sickness (sepsis, poisining etc.).

Acne is usually caused by hormonal changes (growing body during puberty, fatigue, menstruation, menopause, stress etc.). It may be caused by the ingredients in diets (too high in undigestable fats - transfats, artificial additive etc.)

Other factors can (but not always do) aggravate acne (such as exposure to unhygenic conditions.

- Proper balanced diet (with as little artificial ingredients as possible),

- a good, regular work-out,

- care not to expose acne to dirty hands, ';impure'; water, public use or improperly washed towels (paper tissues are usually cleaner) etc.

- and patience untill the hormones to do their course. These should at least minder the symptoms. If it's solely hormonal and severe with risk of scarring, medications can help balance the internal factors.

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