Friday, December 11, 2009

Has anyone Used accutane for acne and does it work?

I have heard some bad side affects but i don't care, my acne is bad, and I'm embarrassed to go to school. Has anyone got first hand experience, with the medication?Has anyone Used accutane for acne and does it work?
I took Accutane for about 2 months (I stopped it early, myself, because it worked really well.) I didn't have any side effects, just my skin flaked off a lot on the inside of my clothes. That was about 4 years ago, and I haven't had acne since. Your skin changes - it's just not oily anymore. I've only had maybe 5 or 6 pimples in 4 years. Accutane did seem to make me more prone to scarring, though. If you do get a pimple after the Accutane, try using an antibiotic ointment on it to prevent scarring. I wish I had taken Accutane when I was young like you.Has anyone Used accutane for acne and does it work?
Hey there,

I am currently on accutane and it works wonders for my face. I have now been using it for 3 months and 7 days and i love the resulkts so far.

11 year olds have been on accutane and things were fine.

The known side effects include depression(very minimal), chapped ips and so on. I heard it causes death but i have no proof of that.

I only got the chapped lips and it hurts bad for like the first 3 weeks but after that it is still dry but not bad.

Accutane is a miracle I would say. I love the results on my face and everyone that knew how my face looked b4 tell me they love how it looks now but of course they dont know what i use lol.

Hope I helped!

I was on the medication for 5 months. The recommended amount of time. Accutane is for those with lymphnoid acne so if you have mild teenage acne don't even concider it. Umm... the worst thing is the extremely dry lips and skin. It didn't help that I took the medication in winter but anyway that was the worse side effect by far. Besides that I experienced a few nose bleeds but again it WAS winter and I was a bit over emotional. I've been off it for over a year. When I went on it I was bordering suicidal... I had such horrid acne. I'm not a lot more confident with my looks.. it turns out I moved afterward and now no one knows how horrid of ance I had so i feel more confident at school too. I'm 16 if you want to know.. umm for those with sever acne I'm pro accutane but make sure you follow all of the strict rule stuff.
for me it improved it but i still have acne. it was totally clear for like 2 months but then it came back...

also it is hell to go through

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