Sunday, December 13, 2009

How long did it take you before you have finally overcome your ACNE problem?

Please suggest products/brands, if you'd like to.

Thanks.How long did it take you before you have finally overcome your ACNE problem?
Some people do not outgrow it. There are four types of Acne. Depending on breakouts.

How often? When?

One who did not have a problem might get adult acne, and some teens grow out of it.

If its a concern, go get a facial and reccomendations on skin care. The products that your friend might use and reccomend might not work for you and can make the skin more irretated and can lead to more break outs.

If you only have a spot or two one a month don't go and get a acne kit, you don't have a problem. Just get some spot treatment. Make sure you are cleaning your skin, taking off all your makeup, tone and moisturize.How long did it take you before you have finally overcome your ACNE problem?
im still at 25 dealing with it, see a dermatogolist if you can they put me on accutane and its works amazingly
I use Clearisil for adults with success.

I would also like to mention that I have an appointment for professional photos tomorrow and my face, which is normally pretty clear, has 3 pimples on it. Phooey!
you never fully over come acne. wash you face.
I really used to use Oxy, and all of that, but I found my acne not getting any bettter. I now just wash my face with warm water and soap, and i am virtually acne-free.
My three kids all had acne (I didn't). They all needed to see a dermatologist to clear the acne. My first had acne from age 11 years to 15 years because I didn't realize she wouldn't outgrow it. A year or so with prescription meds and it gave her a beautiful complextion. She had fairly severe acne. My second girl's acne wasn't as bad, but we had to put her on some serious meds (accutane). Her skin eventually cleared, but it took at least 2 years of trying to find the solution. My third has relatively mild acne and is using otc products to keep it under control. He's not too bothered by it. If your acne isn't too bad, wash your face 2-3 times a day and use otc products. If its bad, see a doctor. Good luck.
Until the first time I had a baby so, 23.

Until then I had to go to a dermatologist and use Retin-A and a topical antibiotic to keep it under control. The Retin-A helps you turn over the old skin faster and build more collagen -smoothing things out. The antibiotic kept small problems from getting infected and big. It is the only thing that worked until my hormones had a big shift after pregnancy. But, I'm in my 30's now, (several babies later) and I don't have ANY problems with acne anymore.

If you can see a dermatologist they can really help. I was embarrased at first but it made such a big difference...
I'm 57 and STILL get a form of acne---except now it comes in as water filled pimples rather then whiteheads... I found a face scrub by Johnson %26amp; Johnson that works exceptionally well to keep the acne at bay but the trick is you HAVE to wash with it twice a day... once is not enough. It's called CLEAN AND CLEAR MORNING BURST----it has little orange scrub ';beads'; in it.... I've tried EVERYTHING , creams, lotions, pills, alcohol, even fruit rubs and nothing has worked better for me then this CLEAN AND CLEAR stuff. It MAY not work as well for YOU as it has for me, but 50 years of acne is pretty well under control when I use it... OH and I had HORRENDOUS acne as a teenager!!!!
It comes and goes. I'm 25 and my acne is worse now than it was when I was 20.

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