Sunday, December 13, 2009

How do I get rid of dry, flaky skin after having used acne cream?

I used some acne cream on my face last week, and it got rid of my spots completely, but it's left my skin feeling like sandpaper, I can't wear makeup and it's flaking visibly. I've tried a few mousturisors but they're not helping. Is there any other way, preferably without having to buy anything especially?How do I get rid of dry, flaky skin after having used acne cream?
I could tell you to use some sort of dermal regenerating lotion, or a moisturizing facial mask, but I'm sure you already know that. But try to think what you can do internally to improve your skin health. Some suggetions;Drink Plenty of water, the body needs to be hydrated and your skin needs water from the inside to have a healthy glow on the outside. Stop drinking soda and cheap fake juice drinks. Take vitamin supplements especially ones designed to promote healthy skin such as ';Natrol Omega 3 Complex';. Also, I know this will be hard to do in the summer but....STAY OUT OF THE SUN! A little sunlight is a good thing for the skin but don't over do it. Your skin is especially sensitive to sunlight especially after using topical ointments for acne. Hope that helps, good luck.How do I get rid of dry, flaky skin after having used acne cream?
which acne cream did u use?? b/c i am having problems with scars!
Lay off the cream and pile on moisturiser.
well this happens if you use a lot, this happens to a lot of people [including me] to get rid of it you should try washing your face regularly and using an astringent [such as witch hazel] and moisterizor. Your skin just cleaned out your pores and it is making your pores smaller thus leaving your skin flakey. I'm not an expert so try going to:

Good luck!!!!

If the problem persists, you may need to have a dermatologist prescribe you something stronger than an over the counter moisturizer.
Find a source where you can get 100% shea butter. My husband has some acne (he's 50!) and also gets sebhorrea. A pharmacist told him to use a 'cortizone cream' and our doctor agreed. It 'helped' but he has to keep using it every day, or the 'flaking' starts again. I went into a 'soap' store, and was talking to the clerk about my 'dry skin' for which I use 'lavender' soap with shea butter. I told her about my husband's sebhorrea, and she said STOP using ANYTHING with 'sodium laurel' or 'sodium laureth' in it (read the ingredients ... MOST soaps and shampoos have one of those in them) and suggested I buy him 'shea butter' soap (it's 20% shea butter) and start using 100% shea butter instead of the cortizone cream. I did ... and my husband's sebhorrea is 'nearly gone.' WOW. Shea butter is 'very good' for the skin, so if yours is 'dry and flaky' then I think you should use it. It's EXPENSIVE ($20 for a 2.5 oz can) but you don't need to use very much ... and it's actually a lot LESS EXPENSIVE than any 'cream' or 'moisturizer' you can buy from the 'big cosmetic companies.'
well iknow you want to not buy anything but try elemis sos emergency cream it works a treat and it also gets rid of spots for people with drier skin.

if not then use a strong moisturiser i would recomend vasline intensive care apply it twice a day

just give it time and hopefully it will clear up
What kind did you use? Garnier Fructis has some that feel really good on dry skin (I have your problem, too)

You could try a facial scrub or use something a tad rough to slough off dead skin.
Dry skin has no permanent cure but the skin can be softened and made smoother by using a few home remedies. There are many helpful tips to cure dry skin at
The dry skin caused by the chemical burn on your face will lead to a nice new outbreak because the flaking skin will block your pores.

Try this:

In the shower, use a natural soap and soap up your face. Using about a tablespoon of baking soda, gently scrub your face. You're removing the dead skin, not the skin that's still living.

After the shower, a quick oatmeal mask:

2 tablespoons powdered oatmeal (stick PLAIN oatmeal in the blender or food processor to powder it.)

1-2 tablespoons honey - just to make a thick paste.

Put all over your face. You'll feel relief from the itching almost instantly. Leave it on for about fifteen minutes. About the amount of time it takes you to get dressed and tie your shoes.

Rinse with warm water. DON'T rinse with cold. Cold water slams your pores shut so they can't excrete the bacteria and dead skin cells associated with acne.

Kill the bacteria that causes acne, Propionibacterium acnes, with witch hazel.

Finish it all off with a protective layer of vegetable oil such as sunflower (rich in vitamin E), jojoba (humectant that draws moisture to the skin) or simply extra virgin olive oil. Just a dab is enough. All you are doing is a thin protective layer. It should almost immediately absorb into the skin, not look like a buttered turkey.

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