Saturday, June 26, 2010

What's the best advice you've ever gotten to take care of acne?

Anybody have any really good tips or at home remedies that have taken care of acne? I once heard that somebody's grandma told them to do something, but I can't remember what it was. It got rid of her acne for good. Just interested in your tips! Thanks!What's the best advice you've ever gotten to take care of acne?
allot of people say its bad to use soap on your face,and it will not clear acne....

but acne occurs the most on the face and upper back (and least on the other body areas where soap makes contact)....people don't usually put soap on there face, and its quite hard to get a decent wash with soap on your upper back......see a connection???What's the best advice you've ever gotten to take care of acne?

If you have an oily skin wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the pimples like soap.The secret of keeping the skin clear is to keep it oil-free and clean. If you have a dry skin honey is a great remedy for acne and pimples because the honey kills bacteria. If you have a combination skin when you wash your face, use sugar to scrub it, at least once a day, for two weeks to rid yourself of acne. More such solutions at

i don't know of any home remedies but i do know that ever since i was 15 ive had really bad acne and I'm now 25 ive used everything u can think of to get rid of it even Proactive and that don't even work for me. until 1 day i found something called Nature's Cure it is great i have no breakouts at all my skin is so clear but if i quit taking it it breaks back is a cream that u apply %26amp; pills u take one in the mourning one at night and it comes in a month supply and its only 9.95$ and u can get it a Walgreen's..or i ordered online at Walgreen's
Wash your face three times a day and don't touch it with your hands! The only acne I have is in an area where I constantly touch my face... I just cant seem to stop touching it - I don't even realize I'm doing it, it sucks.
The best thing I've been told is to take Vitamin's E %26amp; C. Those vitamins help you to have a healthy immune system and are anti-oxidents.

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