Saturday, June 26, 2010

What is the best type of acne treatment for me?

Since about 8th grade I have a lot of pimples and blackheads. When ever I get my period I get at least 2 a night. I have tried neutragena but it didn't help. What should I try now?What is the best type of acne treatment for me?
My suggestion wont get rid of it completely but it will definitely help. Get on a multivitamin daily routine. I started one 3 weeks ago and it has helped alot. Here is some stuff i found online:

Vitamin A - Strengthens the protective tissue of the skin and prevents acne by reducing sebum production. Acts as powerful antioxidant to flush out free radicals and toxins from your body which improves wrinkling and fine lines.

NOTE: Vitamin A taken at greater doses than the recommended daily allowance should only be done under qualified supervision, and should not be done by pregnant women.

Vitamin B6 - Controls premenstrual acne outbreaks due to hormonal imbalances. By metabolizing fats and fatty acids, vitamin B6 balances oil production in the skin.

Vitamin B5 - A clinical trial using vitamin B5 for acne (pantothenic acid) was successful. People with acne were given 2.5 grams of pantothenic acid four times a day, which is a lot! With moderate acne, near-complete relief was seen within two months. Cream containing 20% pantothenic acid vitamin for acne was also used in this trial.

Zinc - Clinical studies have shown that zinc supplements, as well as a vitamin for acne, also reduce the severity of acne. In one study, zinc for acne was found to be as effective as oral antibiotic therapy. People with acne should take 30 mg of zinc two or three times per day for a few months, then 30 mg per day thereafter. It may take up to twelve weeks before any improvement is seen.

Selenium - An antioxidant trace mineral that plays an important role in controlling inflammation associated with acne.

Chromium - Known to enhance insulin sensitivity, which, according to Murray and Pizzorno, has been reported in an uncontrolled study to induce rapid improvement of acne patients.

Essential fatty acids - These are strongly recommended for acne - 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil, supplying the omega 3 fatty acids, (or the equivalent in grams in capsules - about 6g or 6 x 1g capsules) and 2g of omega 6, or omega 6 derivative oils, like evening primrose oil.What is the best type of acne treatment for me?

Areas of the skin that sweat more profusely than average is more likely to develop acne. Hot and humid weather can make acne worse, especially in the tropic. Acne is more common and very severe in most cases for people living in the tropics.

Although inefficient face washing does not cause acne, soap and water will reduce the number of bacteria getting into the whiteheads and turning them black. Some evidence suggests that the lightly abrasive buffing pads may help.

Medications: There are a few, very few, medications that make acne worse. If your acne gets worse when you start a new medications consult your doctor for a substitute medication if at all possible. It can take months to recover from a full blown acne flair up.

Benzyl peroxide is an ingredient in most acne medicines that has been proven to help with mild to moderate cases of acne. The cheap ones are just as good as the expensive ones as long as they have benzyl peroxide in them.

The pustule that gets bigger and bigger with no head in sight may require a prescription strength antibiotic lotion like clindamycin or erythromycin. If cysts and scars begin to form then you may need to take antibiotics by mouth. They must be taken everyday and exactly as prescribed.
If you have an oily skin wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the pimples like soap.The secret of keeping the skin clear is to keep it oil-free and clean. If you have a dry skin honey is a great remedy for acne and pimples because the honey kills bacteria. If you have a combination skin when you wash your face, use sugar to scrub it, at least once a day, for two weeks to rid yourself of acne.Try for more info.
you should try proactiv solution. it really helps alot!
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