Saturday, June 26, 2010

How do I get rid of acne scars in a natural way?

I have had acne since I was 9, but it's gone now, and the scars look a little deep. How can I get rid of themHow do I get rid of acne scars in a natural way?
The natural ways to remove scars are easy and safe. Find out about different natural acne scar removal methods and decide which method is best suited for you. Following are some of the effective tips of removing acne scars in a natural way.

Water plays a vital role in the natural acne scar removal process. Drink sufficient water and regular intake of water helps the skin to retain its natural moisture and removes the dead cells. It also helps to form new cells of the skin and hides the acne scars. Drinking enough water helps to flush out the toxins and results into glowing skin.

Prepare a home pack by mixing rose water and sandalwood and apply it on the scars. You can also use aloe Vera or natural seed oils for the removal of acne scars in a natural way.

thanks bye tcHow do I get rid of acne scars in a natural way?
There is this new popular cream that people have been talking about.

It was even televised on TV.

It prevents future and existing acne, diminishes scars, and lightens skin and blemishes. Fast results too! (It's been claimed that major results can be seen within a week and no later than two weeks)

Before and After photos are available at the given ebay site.

This person is providing 1-3 week trial samples (Only for ONE DOLLAR.. definitely a deal) on ebay at:

Search up ';Cee En's Acne Solution'; or ';best acne solution ever'; on ebay.

First 100 customers can get the item for $1 for one week trial and up to 3 weeks. Or you can purchase 1 month supply for $40 or 6 month supply for $160

It's expensive, but the product DOES work.

My sister and cousin who both have major acne have tried the product and they both give it thumbs up. I have also heard many great feedbacks about this cream.

I don't have a problem with acne, but it seems to have great results on my sister who has moderate to severe acne. Her acne swelling went away overnight.

I hope this helps. =)

What are good ways for treating acne?

I've used proactiv, skinID, and many other treatments. My acne just keeps coming back, and it's really bad. I'm using skinID right now and its not even working well. My skin's rather untoned and I break out a lot. I've used witch hazel also to tone my skin and it kind of sucks. Any acne treatments I should buy that you recommend, treatments that make my skin look healthier and more radiant, or just tips on how to prevent acne from spreading and getting worse? I use foundation on a daily basis.What are good ways for treating acne?
The first step to conquer your acne is by means of trying natural acne solutions. Include the following in your considerations:

1. Supplements and Vitamins. Food supplements and some forms of vitamins are useful for treating acne and to your overall body health.

2. Proper Diet. This is helpful in eradicating sugar that develops fats which are concealed by your sebaceous glands.

3. Herbal Treatment. Herbs are the most common ingredients used in acne treatment products that are commercially sold.What are good ways for treating acne?
the more make-up you use the more you break out and then you use even more make-up to cover the break out... so if i were you get something natural... like bare minerals...or just don't put on face make-up unless you have to.. and when you wash your face.. get a washcloth and get it as hot as you can stand and press it on your face... do this like 2 to 3 times.. this will open up your pores... then wash your face with like a regular bar of soap.. just to get rid of the make-up... then you use a face wash that has little beads in it.(like the sandy stuff).. that will get rid of all the dead skin... it works for me... and i have no pimples...

I found one good blog on how to cure pimples and acne at home

The following is the link,

Visit and try if you find anything interesting

There are some specific methods that can help you to get rid of your acne.

check these helpful methods that helped me to cure my acne:


Drink plenty of water every day. Aim to drink at least two liters of still mineral water. If the skin becomes dehydrated, dead skin cells are not effectively shed, which can lead to blocked pores and further acne.

Sunshine and fresh air

Sunshine stimulates the creation of vitamin D in the body - an essential vitamin for healthy skin. A little bit of fresh air and sunshine every day will also reduce the stress and increase oxygen to your skin. Even when it's overcast, the sun's rays reach us, so it's very good to take a light walk outside every day.

Reduce your intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates

Last research pointing the finger at diet - eating refined carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, rice, flour etc) and sugar leads to a surge in insulin and an insulin-like growth factor called IGF-1. This in turn leads to an excess of male hormones, which encourage the skin to excrete large amounts of sebum. This grease-like substance encourages the growth of bacteria responsible for acne.

Refined carbs/sugar = more insulin = more hormones = more sebum (oil) = more bacteria = more acne

The bed sheets

Keep the bed sheets clean. Wash your pillow case on a regular schedule to reduce the transfer of your natural body oils.

Wash your face

Wash your face just one time a day. Don't wash too many times , because that will cause only more production of oil on your skin. another option is to use very gentle cleansers for normal skin that don't dehydrate the skin and wash twice a day.

Anyhow, don't go out and buy those magical acne free in 24 hours products that you can find anywhere online, they just don't work and you will spend your money for nothing.

Why not? Well, because it takes time to cure acne and you will need at least one week to see any noticeable results. There is absolutely no way to cure your acne in 24 hours.

If you really want to cure your acne there are two recommended methods that should combined together (if you can afford it) for best results.

Firstly and more important in my opinion, you must learn how you should fix the internal problem that's causing your acne, not just masking the symptoms or getting relief.

There are only few good Ebooks and acne cure programs that can teach you exactly how to cure your acne from the inside.

Where medicine has failed them the authors have done their own research and found a way to overcome acne. In their programs they share their valuable knowledge with other acne sufferers. Anyhow, be very careful because many of them are pure crap with little value.

You can learn about the fasest system and one of the most popular guides that can help you to get rid of your acne from the inside here:鈥?/a>

The second thing that you need to do is to get good acne skin product that will be suitable for your skin.

There are many acne skin care products available in the market right now and it's not easy to choose the product that will give you the best results.

When choosing your product make sure to check that you get at least 2 months full guarantee. Some of the big names in the industry are:

ClearPores, Acuzine, Acnezine, Proactiv, Vilante and some others.

Check this website for useful information and tips about the top acne skin care products today:

Don't give up, acne is something that can be cure, good luck...
I've been in that situation and there is really nothing you can do about it. There are things you can do to try to reduce the blemishes and get rid of acne/pimples temporarily but you will always be finding yourself cleaning your face or your body depending on where it's at.

I mean of course your acne should go away eventually but for some this is the case their whole life.

I'm 29 years old and have been suffering from these little pests since I was a teenager. I tried all sorts of face washes from the local grocery store and what not, but nothing seemed to work. If anything it would just make my skin dry and itchy.

Literally the best acne face wash I've ever used has been this stuff called clearpores. It has got rid of the acne to quickest and has been a success ever since I got it. It's unique cause of it's herbal supplement you take a long with it that helps your skin from the inside out. I saved money on it at at the time which was helpful.

You should really look into this stuff and if you can to assure the best results, get the 3 month supply because if it doesn't work it will still save you butt on the return policy.

Well good luck and best wishes.

What is the best thing to do when someone has chest and back acne?

My friend is really tired of not being able to take his shirt off when he goes swimming because of his acne. I want to help him but i juss dont know what to do.What is the best thing to do when someone has chest and back acne?
He needs to make an appointment to see a dermatologist. There are several prescription medications that can help. It's well worth the cost of a doctor's visit. Proper treatment can cure the acne and prevent scarring. Urge him to do so ASAP.What is the best thing to do when someone has chest and back acne?
Tell him to go to CVS, buy one of the acne control products there (Apricot Scrub, Neutrogena Clean and Clear, etc) and use it wherever he has acne every time he showers. Then tell him NOT TO TOUCH IT under any circumstances. Oils from your fingers will only rub off and make it worse. Everytime the product he uses runs out, I suggest he buys a different product so that his skin doesn't develop a tolerance to the product he buys. If he has already tried this and it doesn't work, tell him to go to the dermatologist to get something to dry out his skin(which I assume is very oily).
I struggled with acne for years and I finally found the solution that works for me. We have been fooled, tricked, deceived, and just plain lied to. It's time that someone put a stop to it, and everyone learn the truth!

Those of us who suffer from acne have usually been given 2 choices and neither of them work:

1. Over the counter remedies such as cleansers, creams, ointments, etc. These things have been proven over and over again not to work. Why? It does not address the root cause of the problem.

2. Go see a doctor and or dermatologist. They will generally prescribe prescription drugs which include topicals and or antibiotics. This, too, has been proven over and over again not to work. Why? It does not address the root cause of the problem.

I found a step-by-step program that cured my acne and it has never come back. It is amazing and doesn鈥檛 use any drugs or doctors. The truth is that acne can be cured鈥f we know the secret the doctors and drug companies don鈥檛 want us to know.

There is a great website:

that has all the details. I really suggest you check it out and see if it works as well for you as it did for me.
Hello bebe

My nephews have this acne problem they have to use a kind of stridex pad to dry them up. It needs to be applied three times a day i believe. But, he should really speak to his doctor if he has not. He could try the stridex first if he wants but, if it does not dry them out and start to clear up then see the doctor definately. Hope this helps you.

Every medicine is different, just as every person is different. That's why my answer is to go to a dermatologist. Don't waste a bunch of money trying different over-the-counter meds. Use that money to see doctor who knows what he's talking about. I went to a dermatologist a few years ago, and he turned my life around.
Soak cotton wool in mint juice, and apply every day. Mix cinnamon powder with lime juice to make a fine paste, Apply on pimples. Check out for more useful info.

What is the best foundation for acne prone, and oily skin?

I need a foundation that won't break me out and looks natural, also something that would give great coverage!

Thanks! (:What is the best foundation for acne prone, and oily skin?
I totally disagree with the Bare Minerals suggestion. Bare Minerals is not the best for oily skin, especially in the summer.

What I would suggest is Make Up For Ever Mat Velvet. Yes, it is a little more expensive but it is so worth it. It is water resistant, has great coverage, mattifying, looks natural, and does not clog pores. I just wore it yesterday night and fell in love with it. I usually use Bare Minerals but decided to try a different foundation at Sephora since I was going partying that nice. I danced in the hot club for 4 hours and I did not look like an oil slick as I usually would have.

With my Bare Minerals, when I am outside, if I am out too long in the sun, I look very oily within 1 hour. And what's worse is that it tends to change color because of the oil and I not only looking oily, but I look orange and very dark.

Now, don't get me wrong. Bare Minerals works great for me in the winter time and lasts a long time. I am on month 6 and am still not finished with the bottle (though I won't use it again until fall or winter).

However, for oily, acne-prone skin in the summer, I would not recommend Bare Minerals.

Also, another suggestion, use an oil mattifier. I use an oil mattifier under my makeup and it does a great job of making my face less oily so I do not have to touch up and blot as much.What is the best foundation for acne prone, and oily skin?
Actually um i think that and foundation with salicylic acid in it would help :) Report Abuse

i love maybelline pure makeup foundation

its in a little blue tube. its 50% water so it goes on really smooth and light and won't clog pores.
I would say Sheer Cover its amazing and does wonders without giving it that cakey feel. And its a mineral so it won't break out your skin.
bare minerals totally i use it and it is awesome. it fits ur description, and more! hope i helped!! =]
i use the covergirl whipped foundation, it works great for me and i get acne
I swear by bare minerals its the best!

How can i get rid of acne redness fast?

i have a party to go to at 1:00 et

i have a couple spot pimples that are on their last leg but are still red

can i do something to get rid of the redness

not just temporarily though

any help?

10 points?How can i get rid of acne redness fast?
Well,to overcome redness on the face,the best thing you could do is get a green tea teabag and by using the extract of the green tea,make a thick paste with it and apply the paste on your whole face.Let it on your face for 10 to 15 minutes and rinse them off.You could also apply witch hazel on your face after since it works as an astringent to sooth your face redness.

Plus,you could also try to drink chamomile extract and combined it with rosemary extract since both also works best as soothing agent.Choose either way that you think suits you.Hope I helped and enjoy your party(:How can i get rid of acne redness fast?
i always use hot water and salt
Erm...u hab to wait for years or u just need to wash ur face after go out to cool down urself.
  • hair weave
  • What would you recommend for untreatable Acne after the Failure of Accutane?

    I'm 27 years old and I've had severe,invariable acne for almost 14 years in counting. I've been to countless dermatologist's, nutritionist's and Physician's and gone through an unbelievable amount of unsuccessful acne medications. Including Acctuane Which is supposedly the Gold standard for acne treatment with something like a 97 percent success rate--but it didn't do a thing for me.

    What else is there?

    It seems my acne just keeps getting worse.What would you recommend for untreatable Acne after the Failure of Accutane?
    Sorry to hear that Accutane didn't work for you. Did it have any effect on you at all? If it did you could try a second course but I could understand if you don't really want to do that. Have you ever gotten your allergies tested? It's possible that something you're consuming is giving you an allergic reaction in the form of acne. Have you tried any hormonal treatments? I've heard good things about Spironolactone; you could also try birth control pills. I hope you can find something that works for you.What would you recommend for untreatable Acne after the Failure of Accutane?
    Try baking soda

    What would you recommend for untreatable Acne after the Failure of Accutane?

    I'm 27 years old and I've had severe,invariable acne for almost 14 years in counting. I've been to countless dermatologist's, nutritionist's and Physician's and gone through an unbelievable amount of unsuccessful acne medications. Including Acctuane Which is supposedly the Gold standard for acne treatment with something like a 97 percent success rate--but it didn't do a thing for me.

    What else is there?

    It seems my acne just keeps getting worse.What would you recommend for untreatable Acne after the Failure of Accutane?
    Sorry to hear that Accutane didn't work for you. Did it have any effect on you at all? If it did you could try a second course but I could understand if you don't really want to do that. Have you ever gotten your allergies tested? It's possible that something you're consuming is giving you an allergic reaction in the form of acne. Have you tried any hormonal treatments? I've heard good things about Spironolactone; you could also try birth control pills. I hope you can find something that works for you.What would you recommend for untreatable Acne after the Failure of Accutane?
    Try baking soda
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